
Patient Information

Your doctor or the medical team taking care of you during your recent stay in a health care institution made a bacteriological examination which revealed a particular bacterium called ESBL ( beta extended spectrum - lactamase) resistant to certain antibiotics and belonging to the group of multi-resistant bacteria. This bacterium may be responsible for an infection with symptoms (cystitis with frequent or painful urination or pyelonephritis with fever ... ) but it could also be simply present in your digestive flora or urine without any symptoms: this is then called colonization.

In any case it is important for you:

1. to avoid transmission of this particular bacterium protecting people you live with

Indeed, some studies show that people living with a carrier of ESBL have a 25% risk of becoming a carrier themselves. Simple hygiene measures (see MDR information sheet below) can be implemented at home on a daily basis. However, it is very difficult to know the length of time you need to eliminate these bacteria. In general, multiresistant bacteria eventually disappear spontaneously from the digestive flora a few weeks after being infected. Their disappearance is faster if no new antibiotic treatment is administered. There is no treatment that can decolonize a patient.

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2 . to inform medical and paramedical staff taking care of you at home, since professionals must implement specific hygiene measures.

3 . to keep your bacteriological results handy in case of relapse. This way emergency antibiotic treatment can be initiated even if your medical file is not accessible right away.